Monday, June 20, 2011

Giving is Hard sometimes, yet so Awesome!

Reading through 2 Corinthians 9 today where Paul in his letter to the church of Corinth talks about giving generously, I stumble upon verse 7 where it really hit me hard. It says, "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” I was taken away by it because this is something I struggle with sometimes. God places it on my heart to give x-amount of money, I start to think... "Well if I shed a few dollars off that should be ok, right? I'm still paying at least the 10% I should give to the church; I really need to save up for books and bills." So I do this battle with myself of how I can give generously and yet still manage to save money for some of my needs. But, now I've caught myself, I want to save money for MY needs. How selfish of me. We are called to be selfless yet I'm being selfish! The church needs money. The church deserves money. No matter how hard I work and how much I get paid it's not MY money it is GOD'S. He brought me to earth, he blessed me with so much and he is asking for a little. We can never pay for the sins we commit, that's why Jesus Christ was sent down. It was a payment for our sins so we can have everlasting life. So the least I can do is give the money back to GOD which he has placed on my heart to give. After I do it and I see the payment go through, it brings me joy! I'm helping a Church grow and reach the lost! How great of a feeling is that? Praise God for the joy it brings me and for him calling me to do something so awesome! However, I admit, I do at times second guess my decision on how much I gave but then I'm reminded that God will provide! He always has! Just see Philippians 4:19 

I've ran into a situation about a month ago where I needed God to provide for me. I had nearly all my tuition paid for this semester but was about $2,000 short. I've looked a scholarships and loans but I wasn't qualifying or I couldn't find a co-signer. So I just prayed to God every night. I struggled with doubts when it came near the deadline where I would lose classes and housing but I kept on praying. Finally a week before the deadline by God's grace I was awarded a scholarship. It covered almost all of it, I just owed about 45 cents and I could easily pay for that. But, the best part was not just being covered for the semester but the growth I experienced.

Keep in mind. Generosity isn't just donating money, giving it to church. It's also about donating your time to people, helping them out, a simple thank you, etc. As my campus pastor Clayton King has said ‎"Generosity is not about your money, Generosity is about your heart" If we can follow those words of wisdom it can bring so much joy to our lives!

Also feel free to view my previous notes on sermon titled Blessed in Finances for further thoughts!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

We can't outrun God!

3 reasons to stop running from God (Referring to the book of Jonah)

1.You can never go to a place better than God's will.
When God has plan for us, we better rise up.
No misfortune, no pain, trouble in store for our life.Numbers 23:21
God wants to bring us to a place of freedom but we fight it sometimes.
Anytime you run from God you're always going down.
The ways of God don't always look good to us.
Not every opportunity is from God.
Don't settle for good opportunities, good chances.

2.You can never go to a place where God cannot reach you.
God will always pursue you no matter where you are.
Jesus came to seek and save the lost.
When you disobey his will, you are running away from God.
It is impossible to disobey God's plan and maintain God's presence, It is impossible to disregard God's word and stay close to his person.
You can only be close to God if you obey his will.
We seek the image of Christianity, but leave the presence of God to do our own will.
You can't have God's presence when you disobey God's plan.

3.You can never go to a place where God's love cannot redeem you.
No matter how far you gone, the Lord will bring you back. Deuteronomy 30:2-4 ,
God has his arms open to us, waiting for us to come back to him with his grace and mercy! Daniel 9:9, Micah 7:18,

How are you ignoring God's plan? Write them down in each category that applies and pray the applicable prayer(s). Remember God knows what best for us! Jeremiah 29:11-13

1. I am running away (disobeying) God in these ways:

Lord forgive me from running from you, I repent of my disobedience, I will obey your word, help me stop running and start living.

2.I am hiding from God in these ways:

Lord, I cannot hide from you. You know my thoughts and actions I confess to you today my sins, forgive me and cleanse me.

3. I am doubting God in these ways:

Lord forgive me for doubting your love, I trust that your plan is best, I accept your work in all things for good in my life, I yeild myself to you.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Stress of Relationships

3 Keys to Overcome relationship stress

1.Follow God's direction for your life
People around you that expect things from you that is not your or God's direction
You can't please everyone all the time
If you deviate from God's plan to follow peoples demands you will lose your way and lose your peace. John 18:36

People had demands of Jesus that were different that God's will
Sometimes we don't want the Jesus that has demands for us
Get Direction from God not man
"Stress comes from trying to please others, blessed comes from focusing on following God"
John 5:30, 8:29, Jesus would have never gone to the cross if he did what others wanted.
God is our Boss, Galations 1:10

2.Learn to deal with disappointment in Life
Stress when we have expectations of others
Jesus did not hate on those but prayed and loved
Don't rely on people for satisfaction, happieness, or signifigance.
Jesus never counted on man for happiness or peace.
Were blessed when we forgive and were set free.
Jesus wept over peoples bad conduct but didn't let their failure to put him under stress.
Luke 10:38-42, James 1:20
We are accountants (We keep records of all the people who offended us, wronged us) 1 Corinthians 13:5, 1 Peter 2:3
Who knows what will happen when you give grace

3.Remain devoted to God
We are blessed when we live by faith, Foresaking All I Trust Him
We are in God's hands, Everything in the world around us is insignificant
In his arms we will find rest in our weary soul.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Stress of Demands

Matthew 11:28-29

Stress: Allowing external circumstances to cause internal anxiety.

Jesus faced more stress then anyone!

Even on the cross Jesus had peace.

1) Release you frustrations to God Psalms 62:8
- Learn to deal with how you feel
-"Don't worry about anything, pray about everything" Philipians 4:6-7
-Pour out heart to God
-Be a winner not a Winer
-Have a Joyful heart

2) Evaluate the source of your Stress Psalms 73:21-24
-Don't be stressed about other people (Those who may seem more blessed that seem like they may not deserve it)
- When we evaluate the source of our stress we can let God take care of our problems
-Don't believe every thought and everything your told. Not every thought comes from God.

-40% of things we worry about never happen
-30% worry about the past that can't be changed
-12% worry about criticism about others
-10% worry about health
-8% worry about real problems

Philipians 4:8-9
-"Worry will not stop tomorrow's sorrow, it will only rob you of Today's strength"
-Worry does no good, causes harm
-We can control habbits, attitude, spiritual life,

Make two lists of what stresses you out. First list "Things you can't control". Second list "Things you can control"

3) Stick to what you know is right
-Right thing, stick to God's word (Psalm 119:143)
-find joy in God's word
-Only God can help sort things out
-Don't stay away from Church
-Bad decision, consequences will cause more stress 1 Peter 3:12

4)Trust in God (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Learning to Count!

3 Keys learning to count Psalm 90:12-13

1. Count your days- Life is short
-Seek God for Eternal home
-Focus on right goal and achieve wisdom

2. Add Wisdom to our hearts
-Gain heart of Wisdom
-People dig a whole and fill it again
- Values you possess are more important then your possessions
-We Need to make life count
-Live to Impact Others....What Impact Is your Life making today on others?
What would your obituary say?
-It's not about me but about reaching the lost of Jesus Christ!

One month To live!

Passage: Psalm 90

If I had 1 month to live how would I change, what would I do?

1. Accept Limitations
2. Apply heart to Wisdom
3. Adjust life choices

Life W/o Regrets
1.Live in Faith
2.Live Intentional
3.Live wholeheartedly...Live  a Life fully devoted to GOD!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Error of Ego (Mark 10:45)


  • Ego- Putting self first before others.
  • Pride- Contending for supermacy with God.
  • Basic Pride- Better than others, needs more important then theirs.

What will pride turn you into?

Promotion comes from God. Humble myself before him.

True humility leads to riches, honor and long life.

I will die to self and live for Christ. "If you cling to your life you will lose it, if you let it go you will save it"

Pride causes you to stumble. Leads to conflict. Bring destruction. Destroys lives. Humility brings success.
Pride shows up in arrogance- thinking more highly than yourself then your not
Arrogance causes stupidity.
Pride shows up in vanity- Concerned with own image. Amount of time spent on making yourself look good.
Vanity causes stress.
Ego leads to strife.

God sees our character not our image, character lasts forever.