Sunday, December 23, 2012

No More False Christmases: The Truth About Christmas

It's the most wonderful time of the year!! Growing up I loved Christmas and I still do but I loved it because of different reasons. I knew Christmas is celebrated because we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. But, I also loved receiving gifts from a 'Jolly old fat man' who came down my fake chimney on Christmas eve. Then I got older and found out some distressing news that Santa Claus isn't real! Sad day... I thought for sure I was in a mid-life crisis though I was still a young lad. I also, enjoyed giving some presents while I didn't have a job or allowance my Grandma use to buy and help pick out presents for my mom for us to give to her. It always made me feel good when my mom enjoyed the presents. Christmas always brings joy to the winter season as giving to charities increases during the Christmas season.

So what exactly is Christmas about? Well, according to a LifeWay research only 37% of respondents say that Christmas is about Jesus. So many people have lost or lack the knowledge of the real meaning of Christmas. We hear it over and over that Christmas has become commercialized and that is pretty evident. With Black Friday slowly taking the spotlight from Thanksgiving each year and people getting trampled for 'super' savings it's sad to see that people are more consumed by the savings rather then the well being of the people behind them. Even though 43% believe that Christmas is about characteristics of Jesus from helping to love and peace. Though, the responses of everyone polled are characteristics that everyone should have not just during the Christmas season but everyday. After all, we are called to be Christ-like not during seasons but all the time. So what is Christmas really about??

The common and true answer is Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Christ; but we also must go beyond that. It's amazing that His birth was prophesied was roughly 700 years before His birth. God spoke through the Prophet Isaiah who foretold told that Jesus would be born, Immanuel. A common question and one that I have asked myself is if Isaiah said he was to be named Immanuel then why is His name Jesus. Some translations say they shall call Him Immanuel, which means God with us. It's not saying that would be His literal name but what some people will refer to Him as. We must remember Jesus has many names or as people say titles of Jesus. We must look forward further in Isaiah, two chapters later he prophesied the birth of Christ again in Isaiah 9:6, except Isaiah uses different names or 'titles'; such as Wonderful Counselor and The Mighty God.

What makes Jesus' birth the most special is that He is the only human to ever be born of virgin (Luke 1:34-35).  But, why was he born of a virgin? Well, the first reason is to fulfill the prophesy which is in Isaiah 7:14. Another reason and one of the most crucial is that if Jesus' was not conceived of a virgin that He would not be God. This is because he would be born of man and as we all know man inherits the sin nature of Adam and Eve. So in order for Jesus' to be sinless He would have to be of God. Lastly, it paints a beautiful picture of salvation. Joseph had no part of the conception, Mary simply accepted a free gift from God. These two directly relate to Ephesians 2:8-9, where we can't work for our salvation but can only accept the free gift from God by grace and through faith. (

Let's take it a step further. We can't celebrate the birth of Christ if we don't acknowledge and celebrate why he came into this world. Just think for a moment, if Jesus died on the cross and wasn't resurrected we wouldn't be celebrating His birth. People would just see Him as man who has done great miracles and led by a great example. But, the greatest miracle is the resurrection which was the tipping point for many to believe that Jesus is truly the Messiah and God. Especially, for Thomas one of Jesus' disciples who even after hearing of the resurrection Jesus still didn't believe until he put his finger through Jesus' hand where he was nailed to the Cross.This verified to him that Jesus resurrected Himself so He could complete the will of God. And what was His will? To bring salvation to all people (John 6:38-40, 1 Timothy 2:1-4).

I'll admit it can be fun seeing a jolly old fat guy dressed up in fancy pajamas once a year. Spending time with family and friends and basking in that joyful, love, and peace feeling that comes along with the Christmas season is fantastic. But, this isn't what Christmas is all about; these are things that should be happening everyday (except of course Santa Claus).

So what is Christmas all about? The virgin birth of Christ who came into this world sinless, blameless, and perfect to take away the sins of the world and bring salvation all those who believe.

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